Covid-19 – We’re Good To Go

The well-being and saftey of our guests and staff is our top priority.

We are committed to ensuring that The Falcon House is a safe place to stay.

To ensure this we ask that:

  1. You please use the hand sanitiser from the stations provided at the entrance, in the reception and breakfast room
  2. Please remember to wear face masks when arriving and whilst in the shared spaces
  3. Remember to maintain a  social distance from staff and other guests
  4. Fill in and return our registarion cards and scan the QR code on entry.


To keep the risk of infection down we have:

  1. Implimented temperature checks on arrival.
  2. Sanitised the room keys prior to your arrival.
  3. Sanitised the hard surfaces in the rooms and removed certain soft furnishings.
  4. Made sure we wear a face covering when greeting guests and serving breakfast.
  5. Implemented a policy of airing rooms out after use.
  6. Limited the number of guests having breakfast at any one time and increased ventilation


If you are arriving from overseas, you will be subject to all the UK governments requirements and guidance.

Please check

as the situation is subject to change, and may affect your plans and our ability to accomodate you.



Any person who has symptoms of COVID-19 – that is a cough, a temperature or loss of taste or smell – should take immediate steps to book a test.

If this applies to you, please visit:, or call NHS 24 on 0800 028 2816.

Don’t wait to see if you feel better before booking a test, and all people in your household should self-isolate.